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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Near Vision Correction
This is the perfect opportunity to put yourself first and make plans to do something that could literally change the way you see the world. Anytime is the right time to give yourself the gift of new vision. If you are in your 40s or 50s, chances are you’ve had to turn to reading glasses […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
New Year, New Vision! LASIK New Year’s Special Pricing: $300 off per eye Book your LASIK consultation before the end of January to receive discounted price. Hurry as spots are filling fast! To book your consultation, call 843-664-9393 and ask for Courtney Pak, LASIK Coordinator, at extension 158. We are committed to helping you have […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C. would like to make you aware that each year, tens of thousands of sports and recreation-related eye injuries occur. The good news is that 90 percent of serious eye injuries are preventable through the use of appropriate protective eyewear. Whatever your game, whatever your age, you need to protect your […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Diabetic Retinopathy
Having diabetes certainly changes the way people view their health and overall lifestyle, as the condition often means eating better and exercising regularly. Yet it’s not just your blood sugar that diabetes affects, as it can play a huge role in the development of a variety of eye issues. Termed diabetic eye disease, individuals can […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
For many years, the tests to predict if someone will develop Alzheimer’s have been very invasive and expensive. Called PET scans, they explore parts of the brain where disease-specific plaques reside and can often determine if someone is on the path to developing the condition. However, a recent study at the Washington University of Medicine […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Diabetic Retinopathy
According to the American Diabetes Association, diabetes mellitus afflicts more than 25 million people in the United States. Unfortunately, nearly one-third are unaware that they have the disease. Diabetic eye disease, also known as diabetic retinopathy, can severely damage the retina before patients notice any loss of vision. Diabetic retinopathy is also a common cause […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Cataract Surgery
Dr. Samuel Seltzer has performed cataract surgery more than 50,000 times. “And counting,” said the ophthalmologist who practices at Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C. Adhering to writer Malcolm Gladwell’s theory of skill perfection requiring 10,000 hours of practice, Seltzer said surgery is a skill that he’s enjoyed honing over a 30-year career. With recent technological […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
Every meal we eat is an opportunity to fuel our bodies with nutrient-dense food that aids in our overall well-being. Whether each bite is rich in protein for building strong muscles or includes healthy fats for decreasing the risk of heart disease, all parts of our bodies can benefit from certain foods. As we get […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Dry Eye Treatment
If you’ve ever experienced a heavy feeling in your eyes, have found them to be excessively watery, or conversely deal with dryness and itching all day long, you might be ready to scream. Our eyes are incredibly sensitive, and even the slightest issue outside of the norm can cause a plethora of concerns. For individuals […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Ophthalmologist
Deciding who we visit for our medical care is an important process, and while we may be able to make arbitrary selections about what we watch on television or where we eat dinner out, selecting an eye doctor should be a task that includes research and thoughtful consideration. If you’re looking for a new eye […]