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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Glaucoma
Among the range of eye conditions that can greatly affect your vision, glaucoma is one of the more difficult ones for patients to cope with, because unfortunately, it does not have a cure. However, thanks to some incredible advancements in technology, treatment for glaucoma is now far easier to manage. Today we’re going to take […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Events
CCFS will be out at the 24th Annual 50+ Senior Life Expo April 4th-5th, 2019. The 50+ Senior Life Expo is the premier, senior retirement event of the year for the Pee Dee area. The Expo focuses on informing, educating and entertaining people 55 and older who are approaching their retirement years or are already […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Macular Degeneration
Many people who have vision loss due to macular degeneration often spend their energy seeking the latest treatment and/or clinical trial to treat their retinal condition and to enhance their vision. While these endeavors are noble and can be helpful, it is also important to realize that there is another avenue to maximize one’s usable […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
Since LASIK is not considered a medical necessity, it is typically not covered by insurance. But don’t let that stop you from having LASIK if you want to work toward 20/20 vision in 2019. Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C. offers several CareCredit® financing options ranging from 0% interest for 18 months to low interest extended […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
Advanced Z-LASIK Technology: Available At Only One Practice In The Pee Dee – Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C. Z-LASIK is a sophisticated, yet very affordable, version of LASIK which uses the low-energy Ziemer femtosecond laser to correct vision. This new technique has been shown in clinical studies to be one of the most simple, predictable and […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Glaucoma
Approximately 1 in 100 people have Glaucoma and half are unaware of it. In developed countries, it is responsible for about 10% of the blindness. Unfortunately, glaucoma is not curable and often leads to visual loss, if not blindness. At present, only the eye’s “intraocular pressure” (IOP) can be altered for a more favorable prognosis. […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Near Vision Correction
Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C., offers a surgical procedure to help patients restore their near vision and reduce the need for reading glasses. Dr. Howard Greene, refractive surgeon at Carolinas Centers for Sight, P.C., is one of five surgeons in the Carolinas who can perform the surgery, called KAMRA Inlay. “You can bring it down […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
Twenty years ago, parents and physicians didn’t have many concerns about a child’s eyesight relating to prolonged screen time. While television was often believed to strain one’s eyes, most kids and teens were content to play outside and only had to wear vision correction if it was their genetic destiny. Now that tablets and smartphones […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Cataract Surgery
The new year is always an exciting time as people are often engaged in holiday parties, time off from work, and the idea of getting another fresh start after the last 365 days. The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions has been around for a long time, and the types of promises we make to […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Near Vision Correction
When we are in our 20’s and 30’s, our eye’s natural lens is elastic and flexible. It works like a camera lens to automatically adjust and focus our vision. This lets us automatically switch our gaze from something near to something far away. Over time, the natural lens in your eye begins to stiffen. It […]