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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Safety
Wearing eye makeup can be a part of one’s daily routine or might only be reserved for special occasions, but no matter when you wear it, it’s important to make sure it doesn’t jeopardize your overall eye health. Many don’t think about the hidden issues that lie within a tube of mascara or on an […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Patient Safety Information
During these stressful times, we want to reassure you that the health and safety of our patients, staff and the greater community are our number one priority. The COVID-19 recommendations are very fluid and have been changing daily. Thus far, we have provided direction according to CDC recommendations. Based on the recommendations from the CDC […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Patient Safety Information
From the CDC Website: How to Protect Yourself Know How it Spreads Take Steps to Protect Yourself Clean Your Hands Often Avoid Close Contact Take Steps to Protect Others Stay Home if You’re Sick Cover Coughs & Sneezes Wear a Facemask if You’re Sick Clean & Disinfect To disinfect:Most common EPA-registered household disinfectants will work. Use […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
For many people, the idea of losing your vision is frightening. We rely so heavily on being able to see the world around us that the thought of not being able to is almost unimaginable. However, some people do end up with varying cases of vision loss due to a variety of factors. Let’s learn […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Cataract Surgery
As we age, our eyes go through natural changes that can sometimes affect our quality of vision. While some diseases can be caused by specific medical factors, cataracts typically develop later in life no matter how healthy you are. For most, cataracts reach a stage where seeing clearly isn’t achievable through eyewear alone, and cataract […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
It’s long been communicated that we need to eat a healthy and balanced diet for overall health and wellness, however, this messaging is often linked to the avoidance of serious medical concerns. By eating well, we can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and more, but what about some of the more […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Cataract Surgery
For some, the thought of cataract surgery brings up feelings of uncertainty and concern – the ability to see better with glasses often seems like a better choice compared to the unknown result of post-procedure vision. However, advancements in surgical technology, as well as the implants used, have made cataract surgery quick, easy, and an […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
A morning donut here, a soda with lunch there – nearly every person consumes some level of sugar each day in their normal diet, and yet many of us don’t often think about the effect it can have on our bodies. Simply avoiding candy bars as an afternoon snack isn’t enough to maintain a healthy […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
Much like breathing or the action of our beating heart, the process of seeing is automatic – we don’t have to think about it at all and after an immense amount of small parts all perform their specific functions, we can see the world around us. Similar to any other complicated piece of machinery or […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
Every year people around the world get excited to make resolutions, and whether it’s their goal to exercise more often or finally pick up a new hobby, we all have our sights set on something incredible for 2020. But alongside your other new year resolutions, you might want to consider fitting in one more – […]