Eye Anatomy 101 (Infographic)

Posted by: Carolinas Center for Sight in Eye Health

Much like breathing or the action of our beating heart, the process of seeing is automatic – we don’t have to think about it at all and after an immense amount of small parts all perform their specific functions, we can see the world around us. Similar to any other complicated piece of machinery or […]

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Cataract Lens Implants: Lens Options

Posted by: Carolinas Center for Sight in Cataract Surgery

Undergoing cataract surgery is a big decision, but it’s one that will offer immense improvement in one’s vision immediately after the procedure. Before committing to surgery, you and your ophthalmologist will discuss a range of topics including your visual expectations after surgery as well as what type of surgery you will have. However, one important […]

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LASIK By the Numbers (Infographic)

Posted by: Carolinas Center for Sight in LASIK Surgery

If you were born after 1999, then you’ve never known life without LASIK. However for the rest of us, this laser surgery was a completely revolutionary idea several decades ago. LASIK, which stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a procedure that reshapes the cornea and as a result, changes one’s prescription.  People have gone […]

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