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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
LASIK has successfully improved the vision of millions of people, but it isn’t for everyone. Before you sign up for LASIK surgery, here are a few things to help you determine if LASIK is right for you: LASIK is surgery to a very delicate part of your eye, and cannot be reversed. You must be […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
To see clearly, the cornea and the lens of the eye must bend (refract) light rays so they focus on the retina. The retina, a layer of light-sensing cells that line the back of the eye, converts the light rays into impulses that are sent to the brain where they are recognized as images. If […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Cataract Surgery
We are incredibly fortunate to live in a remarkable period of medical miracles. Procedures are being done these days that were unimaginable when I graduated medical school back in the 1980s. Technological innovation affects every aspect of our daily lives. Our phones are smarter, our computers are powerful enough to run small governments and our […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Eye Health
Mobile devices have become ubiquitous. It has been estimated that 90% of Americans have cell phones; smartphones account for 70%. Overall, 4 billion cell phones were used worldwide in 2013, with up to 5.0 billion expected by 2019. Social media sites are often checked first thing upon awakening. In 2015, as many as 75% of […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Dry Eye Treatment
According to the National Institute of Health, dry eye affects close to five million Americans over the age of 50 as well as many younger patients. Are you one of them? Here are some of the symptoms: watering, burning, foreign body sensation, and intermittent blurred vision to name a few. If you are reading this […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
LASIK surgery requires considerable preparation. Prior to LASIK in Florence, you’ll need a complete eye examination by your refractive surgeon including the following tests and evaluation: Your surgeon will dilate your pupils to fine-tune your prescription. Examination of your eyes to make sure they’re healthy, including testing for glaucoma, performing a retinal exam and assessing […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
If you are a contact lens wearer who is interested in LASIK eye surgery for vision correction and to reduce your dependency on contacts, it’s important to be aware of the restrictions surrounding wearing contact lenses before your LASIK consultation. Prior to a LASIK consultation and surgery, it is vital that contact lenses not be […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in Near Vision Correction
Dr. Donna Glenn, 52, is an optometrist. She has spent decades helping her patients find solutions for their vision problems from glasses and contact lenses, to referring patients to an ophthalmologist for LASIK and cataract procedures.Last year, Dr. Glenn went from being the doctor to being the patient, as she became frustrated with a vision […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
Thousands of people across the globe have experienced the lasting benefits of laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery has proven highly effective in most people with common vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. In fact, as many as 70% of patients will experience better than 20/20 vision once they’ve had the procedure. So, what […]
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Carolinas Center for Sight
in LASIK Surgery
Unfortunately, most insurance companies don’t cover LASIK because laser eye surgery is nearly always considered an elective procedure and not medically necessary. Although insurance does not often cover the cost of LASIK, certain people can get their laser eye surgery covered due to special circumstances. The first way LASIK may be covered by insurance is […]