Clear Vision with LASIK

Save More With Our Transparent Pricing


Here’s what you’ll get

Many refractive errors can be improved through LASIK which is why costs can vary depending on individual prescriptions and eye conditions. To provide accurate pricing, a comprehensive evaluation of your eyes is necessary to determine the most suitable approach.

  • Free comprehensive LASIK exam & consultation with our doctors
  • The latest technology available for LASIK
  • Talented surgeons
  • The cost of enhancement laser eye surgery procedure
  • All your pre-and post-operative care

LASIK Saves You Money

When we looked at the actual costs of eye wear over a lifetime versus the cost of LASIK, LASIK was the more cost effective choice. By a long shot. Based on an average life expectancy of 74 years, here are the numbers.

Cost Assumptions

Prescription Glasses
$200 every other year
Prescription Sunglasses
$350 every other year
Contact Lenses
$40 per month
Contact Lens Cleaning Supplies and Drops
$15 per month
Average Cost of Wearing Glasses and Contacts
$935 per year
Average Cost of LASIK for Both Eyes
$4,600 one time


20-year old saves almost
30-year old saves more than
40-year old saves more than
50-year old saves more than
Based on average cost assumptions


Remember to check out our current LASIK offer. It in addition to tax-deferred Health Savings or Flexible Spending Accounts, and 0% financing can make your Lasik more affordable than ever.
In addition, for a limited time you can receive $1000 in LASIK savings.

Our LASIK Surgery Process

Our process is designed to help you make the best possible decision for your vision. From consultation through post-procedure follow up, our doctors and specialists are with you every step of the way.

What Vision Problems Can LASIK Correct?

LASIK is a quick, painless, reliable surgical option for correcting a number of vision-related issues. They include:


Nearsighted people have trouble seeing at a distance but tend to have better vision up close – hence “nearsighed.“ With this condition, the cornea is curved too steeply, and sometimes the eye itself is irregularly-shaped. Either way, the end result is that images get focused in FRONT of the retina, rather than ON the retina itself. When treating nearsightedness, the LASIK procedure evens out the curvature of the cornea which returns the focusing of images to the retina, where it belongs.


Astigmatism is the inability to focus clearly at ANY distance, due to an irregular or misshapen cornea. With astigmatism, light rays focus at different points on the retina causing images to overlap and blur vision. Just like with nearsightedness or farsightedness, LASIK can correct these issues by reshaping the cornea and forcing light to focus on the retina, thus restoring perfect vision.


Schedule a Consultation

You can call or email us to learn more about Carolinas Center for Sight. Our friendly, highly trained staff can answer your questions and schedule your LASIK surgery consultation.


Complimentary LASIK Consultation

To determine if you are a LASIK candidate, we do a LASIK consultation. You meet personally with the doctor who will determine candidacy, answer your questions, and explain the procedure. We offer consultations throughout the week to accommodate a patient’s busy schedule.



The actual procedure is quick, virtually painless and immediately effective. Our friendly LASIK surgery coordinators are with you every step of the way.


Post-Procedure Follow Up

At this follow up you receive any additional post-procedure instructions and most importantly you get to ENJOY YOUR NEW VISION!

Schedule a Consultation to Learn about Your Options

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